Community Outreach

Donations from AfterTech. Thanks to you and to those in need:

Our very first community effort was in the form of a donation of used computers to a community out reach in South Oklahoma City in the spring of 2006. We donated twenty-five used, ready to use computers to a local youth outreach program. The program was designed to help ‘at risk’ children and young adults. The computers are now being used to teach computer lessons at CYO (Community Youth Outreach) and other fundamental online lessons to members of that organization. 

Since then, we have donated to Christian Schools, Churches, Smaller School Districts, Individuals with special needs,and many more.

To Request a Donation of Equipment, Please:

Computer/ Electronics Donation Request

If you would like to request a donation of computers for your organization, please submit a word document to outlining the following:

Presently we are aiming to donate a package of computers quarterly. There are a few stipulations for having computers donated to your organization such as helping with the recycling effort through education of your members, using the computers for educational purposes and when replacing or disposing of donated equipment either return to us, give (if functioning correctly) to someone needing but unable to afford.  


Recycle Drives; Past and Current:

   *Delaware Nation had their recycle drive that we picked up from April 17-April 21, 2023,

It was offered to all their clients and local people. We recycled 1757.7 lbs of e-waste for them.

* Hertz Car Rental, our very first recycle drive in 2012 – 2018 for Earth Day.

                They offer their drive to all their Oklahoma City Hertz Car Rentals

    *  The City of Edmond in partnership with Edmond School District for Earth Day since.2014

                      They offer their recycle drive to everyone and especially the residents of Edmond, the faculty, students and families of Edmond School District. This year, 2018, this drive will be held on May 10th from 8am to 5pm. All e-waste can be put in the ‘AfterTech Recycle’ trailer parked at 19 N Blvd St, Edmond, OK 73034

                There is a small fee for the following to help us with the costs of breaking down and recycling the hazardous material in these items. $.90lb for flat panel TVs.  ALL OTHER E-WASTE, are FREE OF CHARGE AS USUAL. DROP OFF IN MARKED RECYCLE TRAILER. Please feel free to text us with questions about what we accept at 405.658.6404. 

    *   Bartlesville Operation Clean House sponsored by Phillips 66 recycle drive of 2018 for Earth Day

                           They offer their drive to all the residents of Bartlesville and the surrounding areas.

 This is was our largest drive bringing in around 53,000 lbs of e-waste! It was and will be next year, located at: 

  Phillips 66 Main Employee Parking Lot

 310 W 5th St, Bartlesville, OK 74003

                     See following link for map:   

                                Also, see following link about the Drive:   

    *   Elk City School High School sponsored by Green Elks recycle drive of 2018 for Earth Day

                            This drive will be held from now until May the 11th during regular school hours.

They have a drop off location located at the Elk City High School Address: 1221 N. Pioneer Elk City, OK. 

It is open to all!          


AfterTech regularly donates computers to individuals whom could not afford one otherwise.

These people see our ad above for a free computer and contact us. Sometimes we meet people that need one. We supply all our employees with computers for their kids and themselves upon request.